Ag Media Research® studies are conducted by AMR, Incorporated.
AMR surveys the media usage habits of decision makers in the agricultural business sector, primarily farmers, in the United States.
One annual project, the AMR® Farmer Radio Listening Study, is often referred to in the agricultural advertising industry as simply the AMR® Study. This study's results are available as a computer program developed to analyze farmer radio listening. This program, available in several versions, is called the AMR® DataDisk.

A downloadable participants-only version of the AMR DataDisk is available through this site. You may also request the most recent version of the AMR DataDisk be sent to you on CD.
As a service to ag media users, choosing "Ag Census Quick Stats Query Tool" from the side banner will take you to the USDA online tool with which you can retrieve data from not only current and previous Ag Census, but also National Agricultural Statistics Service surveys. This is a fairly user friendly application.
Additional Ag Census reports and other information can be access by going to the AG CENSUS page listed at the top of this home page.